What are ERC-721 and ERC-1155 standards?

ERC-721 and ERC-1155 are both standards for creating digital items, such as artworks, video game assets, and other collectibles, on the Ethereum blockchain. They are like special recipes that tell the computer how to create and manage these digital items.

ERC-721 is like a recipe for making one special cake. Each cake is unique and can’t be replicated or divided, just like each ERC-721 token represents a unique digital item. This means that you can have a collection of different ERC-721 items, but each one will be unique and can’t be replicated or divided.

ERC-1155 is like a recipe for making a batch of special cakes. You can make multiple cakes at once, some of them can be unique, and others can be replicated. This means that you can have a collection of ERC-1155 tokens, and some of them can be unique, like a unique video game weapon, and others can be replicated, like in-game currency. This allows for more flexibility and scalability in managing different types of assets.

So, in simple terms, ERC-721 is for creating unique digital items, and ERC-1155 is for creating a combination of unique and replicated digital items.